Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Day With Fantasia

Today was the best day of my entire life. I had the chance to me the talented and beautiful Fantasia Barrino. I won a radio contest in my hometown of Delaware to be able to have breakfast with Fantasia.

I arrived at the radio station at about 8:45 am and I sat in the lobby and waited for the moment that I've been waiting for all morning. As I am listening to some of Fantasia's music on my MP3 player I look up and I see her approaching the door and my heart skipped a beat. She walks in and i am in complete shock and amazement of who is standing in front of me. She then proceeds to the the station to do a interview with the dj and about 15 minutes later we were called to go meet her. I go upstairs into the radio station and as soon as i walk in I see her sitting there doing a interview, I tried to relax and eat a danish till she was done but my nerves wouldn't allow me to be hungry so I threw it away. While I'm waiting to talk with her and I am snapping pictures of her and recording video of her while she's being interviewed. She talked about her new album "Back To Me" and that she recently got her high school diploma and I am very proud of her. Finally she gets done the interview and comes out to meet us and I am speechless to the 10th power. She looked me dead in my face and I smile, she then asked me "whats your name?" I replied and said "Virgil." She walked over to me and extended her hand and I shook her hand, then she said "can I get a hug, because I like hugs" so I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a breath taking hug. I asked her could I take a picture with her and she said yes, so we proceeded into the other room so she could take pictures with all of her fans individually. Before I took my picture with her I let her know how much her music has gotten me through a lot and I thanked her for that. So we take a picture together and once we are done she points to this boy and says "aren't you on my twitter?" and before he could respond I say "I am" she says "O yea I remember you, you tweeted me this morning about having breakfast with me" and I smiled and said yes that was me. Sadly after I had such a exciting time the guy that worked at the station says thats it's time to go now and Fantasia screams out "HELL NO, WE WON'T GO" we all laughed. We got on the elevator and went downstairs to leave and as she's walking out the door I say " Bye Tasia" and she looks back at me and says "Bye" with a smile.

Later on in the day my friend text me and told me that Fantasia tweeted and said that she met one of her twit friends and I was happy to know that she was talking about me. I then tweeted her and told her that I had fun with her today and she replied and said she had fun also. Once i get home later that night I check my e-mail and I got a notification from Twitter that says "FANTASIA BARRINO IS NOW FOLLOWING YOU" that made me so excited all over again.


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