Tuesday, September 22, 2009

GAYS: The Fight To Be Excepted

Today on The Tyra Show she had a guest on that was involved in a gay exorcism to make him not be a homosexual anymore. I was very speechless while I was watching the show I was very angry and upset. The prophet and overseer of the young boys church were also on the show and they said that being a homosexual is wrong, it's ok to have your opinion but when you try to beat your views and opinions into someone else then that's when it becomes a problem that has to stop. Putting down the gay community has to stop, making gays feel unwanted has to stop, treating the homosexuals as if they don't have a place on this earth has to stop, tearing down someone self-esteem just because they are gay has to STOP!!! Below you will see the video of the so called Gay Exorcism.

Beyonce's Ex Talks Beyonce & The ABORTION Rumors

I'm kind of upset that me being a huge Beyonce fan that I didn't know that she once had a ex boyfriend named Lyndell Locke. Apparently they dated when they were teenagers and supposedly he got Beyonce pregnant, but she got an abortion. Here's the interview provided by theybf.com (below)

SG: Glad to hear that. How did you meet Beyonce?
LL: We were very young in our teens. From the same area in Houston. We knew each other a long time. We were very close and very good friends. (silence)

SG: Ok, Define friends.
LL: (laughs) We would go out together, I would take her to the movies or we would eat out. Normal things teenage kids do. It was “puppy” love.

SG: So you were in love with Beyonce?
LL: Love is a strong word for a teenage relationship but we were very close and I cared ALOT about her. I still do.
SG: Are the rumours true that you got Beyonce pregnant and she had to have an abortion?
LL: You know, when I heard this rumour I was really upset by it. Unfortunately, at the time I was not able to speak on it and people were allowing the speculation to go around. Beyonce as far as I know did not have an abortion.

SG: So you and Beyonce did have a sexual relationship?
LL: No comment
SG: (laughs) Ok I think you answered that already. When you say you were not able to speak on things, what do you mean by that?

LL: I watched Destiny’s Child grow, I knew all the girls and I saw them progress. I was there when they got their first deal, when they rehearsed. I was a close member to the family even though some people didnt approve of me being there. The DC empire looking back now was very cleverly orchestrated and every member of the team was under a microscope. Whether that was on a personal or working relationship. Anyone close to those girls, espeically Beyonce at that influencial time in her life was a threat. It was all about Focus, Focus, Focus. Apparently, boys dont equal focus which I kind of understand.


SG: So you dont speak to Beyonce anymore?

LL: No, we have not spoken in a long time. I see her family sometimes around Houston but it isn’t what it was.

SG: I get the feeling you were warned off.

LL: I dont really want to make any further comment on it.


I can honestly say this was the best spoof I have ever seen. LOL!!