Monday, March 15, 2010

Exclusive Interview: Marktavious

It has been a long wait for all of the fans who have been waiting for this exclusive interview with up and coming R&B artist Marktavious. He has a passion for all things music, and is currently working on new material to help express his passion for this music business.

Q. Talk about the concept on your song "In Your Lane"

A. In Your Lane is just a WAKE UP CALL! I wrote around the idea that you will not be successful if your trying to duplicate what someone else is doing..You have to be yourself and make YOU work for YOU.

Q. What can you bring to this crazy music industry?

A. Creativity. It's already full of creativity but everyone channels something different. I believe that people will LOVE what I channel.

Q. When did you first realize music was your passion?

A. At age 16,I realized that this is what I wanted my career to be.

Q. Where does your inspiration come from when it's time to write music?

A. I'm self inspired a lot of times I always ask myself "how can I turn this into a video?" or "how can I turn this into a stage performance?"..Even though that[video/stage performances] may not come for a WHILE, I usually tend to write songs based on how I want to recreate the concept on stage.

Q. Do you have a girlfriend?

A. No, I am very single.

Q. What kind of women catch your attention?

A. I'm into personality. Looks and beauty are great, but it's all an opinion. A great personality will take you far.

Q. What direction is your album going in? (R&B, POP, RAP)

A. I actually haven't started working on an album. I'm promoting a single,"In Your Lane". Although I am recording new music,it's not for an album specifically..but who knows what could happen?

Q. What artists would you like to work with?

A. There are far too many to name. I don't think I'd deny a collaboration with anyone.

Q. When can your fans expect your album to be released?

A. In due time.

Q. What artists in the industry influence you?

A. Stevie Wonder,Prince the great performers Beyonce,Michael Jackson(RIP)..and of course all of Dallas' local[and expanding] talent.

Q. What do you like to do when your not working on music?

A. Honestly, I think I spend all of my time doing SOMETHING that will benefit me musically. I've been known to go to a club every now and again.

To find out more about Marktavious you can visit his official website @

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